Paralleling Switchboard
Salient Paralleling Switchboards and Switchgear are built to UL891 and UL1558 to provide power distribution and control of multiple generators, ATS’s, motor operated circuit breakers and various other devices to provide power to facilities in multiple scenarios. SPS paralleling switchgear allows the use of multiple generators that are sync’d to the same voltage and frequency, and control them throughout their operation. The gear gives the ability to control load add or load shed, monitor power usage, bring generators on when needed, or take them offline when demand isn’t high enough to require them.
Give us a call at (704) 594-4107 or contact us online to learn more.
Product Brochure Terms and ConditionsAccessories
As well as offering superior baseline products to our client’s, we are also happy to offer an array of additional and optional accessories to customize your products according to your needs. Accessories available for generator tap box pad/floor mount units include:
- Testing kits. Testing kits from Salient are ideal for performing simple maintenance on products as well as keeping your equipment in peak condition for as long as possible.
- Additional Cam-Lok® cables. Cam-Lok® cables are color-coded to make choosing connections safer and simpler, helping you identify connections during any situation. Cables are available in all standard male and female connection configurations.
- Combination manual transfer switch with Cam-Lok® receptacles. To assist in cutting down on additional wiring, our MTS with pre-wired Cam-Lok® cables is perfect for making connecting your new tap box system absolutely pain-free.